So, I really want to try to do this BLOG thing. I have so much stuff that runs through my head and feel like I need to share. Why not? I am still breastfeeding my 17th month old, babywear, do attachment parenting, run an at home business, have a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Aspergers), have 5 kids (which explains why I can not get to the computer to type), first time homeowner, a husband who is a chef and goes on fancy trips (he is my fancy life), and I"m adopted. OH and the last thing, currently I am doing a weight loss challenge of 110 lbs.
What do I not have to write about? Do I hold back because there are so many bloggers out there? Is it because I can not pick just one thing and write about it? Am I worried about the bashing and name calling that comes with trying to just share my thoughts?
Well now that is all going to stop. I am going to add another thing to my list of challenges and that is to blog three times a week. It may be random, it may be boring or it may be something right up your ally. Either way, I keep having this draw to this and I just want to share.
Get ready world because you are about to get Chaun-afied, and read about my Plain & Fancy Life.
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